eFootball 2022 Performance Boost Patch v1

eFootball 2022 Performance Boost Patch v1 – the “endo” maker has introduced a patch that is made specifically for HIGH graphics values in the football game eFootball 2022.

Attention, the patch is made specifically for HIGH graphics values ​​in the game!
Please don’t forget to set the values ​​in the graphic menu of the game to HIGH.
Up to 6 – 8% productivity increase.
A new sharpening algorithm has been added.
Konami’s FidelityFX FSR has been changed to tonemap sharpness by default.
Optimized the overall level of sharpness.
Rebalanced graphics values ​​between shadows, effects and post-processing quality.
Increased the size of volumetric textures used for translucent lighting.
Improved quality of smoothing.
A couple more little tricks.

How to use:
Make a backup of pc0000_console_win.pak
Unpack and copy and replace to …\eFootball\pak
Launch the game and set the game graphics menu to HIGH.
Play a game.

