Strike Arena Mode Now Available in eFootball

Strike Arena Mode Now Available in eFootball

Strike Arena mode arrived on eFootball on January 23. This new mode, which can be played solo or in three-on-three co-op (plus an AI goalkeeper on each team), is decidedly arcade-focused. Its principles are very simple, and in fact, very quick to master.

  • There are no fouls or outs, only goals stop the game, which makes the game very fluid.
  • You have to link as many passes as possible before scoring, and when a goal is scored, it brings the team as many points as the number of passes made during the last possession.
  • You can make 1-2 passes to the walls of the arena and they count.
  • Each player has a special characteristic (running, shooting or tackling acceleration) called “Overdrive”. It is activated by a bar that takes 15 to 30 seconds to fill, depending on the players.
  • Matches last 2 minutes. They stop when the team in possession loses the ball after regular time or after 30 seconds of stoppage in play.
  • The Match Pass system allows you to earn GP and experience points that can be used in Dream Team mode.
  • A limited selection of players (Neymar, Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez) is available at the start of the game. You can then unlock Manchester United and Barcelona players by playing a match in this mode.
  • Your progress in a match in Strike Arena mode depends on your team’s performance. A win allows you to advance three squares, a draw two squares, and a loss only one square. Some matches allow you to double the number of squares you win.

It is currently unknown whether this mode is a permanent or temporary implementation. Konami has been very ambiguous in its announcement of the launch, using the terms “campaign” and “event”.