Graphic Mod For eFootball 2023 v2.5.1
Graphic Mod For eFootball 2023 v2.5.1 – a new version of the graphic mod from the maker “endo” from the twenty-eighth of April for football eFootball 2023 is presented.
There are three options (select one):
Full compatibility with game version 2.5.1
Disabled temporary upsampling.
Fixed post-processing method.
Improved quality of anti-aliasing and level of detail.
Increased shadow resolution and pre-shadow fading.
Increased the resolution of the Ambient Occlusion global distance field.
Increased the resolution of the reflective shadow map.
Improved height box shadow method.
Increased the maximum draw distance for light sources.
Increased the resolution of the volume cloud shadow map.
Increased volumetric sky occlusion resolution.
Reduced latency for the LOD of skinned meshes.
Modulated self-shadowing enabled.
A high-quality volumetric cloud aerial perspective is included.
Enabled High Quality Sky Atmospher Multi-Scattering Lut.
Enabled full resolution for capsule shadows and distance field shading.
How to use:
Delete all files from previous versions. (If you have)
Unzip and copy to the game folder.
Set the graphics settings in the game to “High”.
Works fine for playing online!
juce and nesa24 for File Loader.