PES 2021 Animated Video Adboards 2023
PES 2021 Animated Video Adboards AIO 2023 – the makers have presented the full version of animated adboards for the 2023 season for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021.
– This is the full version
– All shields included in this pack are fully animated.
From Author:
It’s been a long time since I worked on them, but I want to point out that I’ve updated the Preds2021_Ads_Cups.cpk file to include this season’s UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Super Cup.
An extra huge prop by @olafmatusch because he was able to provide information about his work on the animated intermediate shields. He kindly provided a model file that I could integrate into the models used in the package, so now the source of these medium backboard tournaments is now taken from the video instead of the image file. Please note that the middle boards are not currently animated for the three tournaments, but when the time comes I will be able to. I will gradually do this with other tournaments as I go.
Also minor but I have updated Preds2021_Ads_Config&Misc.cpk. The configuration now reflects the correct billboards for promotions and relegations this season for exhibition matches. For example, Burnley, Norwich, Fulham, etc. The exhibition matches they used to showcase the billboards of the leagues they played in 21/22.
Features and order of generation of dpfilelist:
Config & Misc
England (EFL1)
England (EFL2)
England (EPL1)
England (EPL2)
Choose one of the settings (1 or 2):
There are two versions in the archive – for CPK and for Sider (select the option you need)
For sider version:
1. You must have installed: Installation for – PES 2021 Season Update Sider 7.1.6
2. Copy the Preds-Ads folder along the path with a replacement:
3. In sider.ini write:
cpk.root = “.\livecpk\Preds-Ads”
For CPK file:
– Copy to download folder
– Extract files to Download folder
– Update DpFileList.bin with the program.
After installation, activate any program:
PES 2021 DPFILELIST Generator 1.0 DLC 7.0
eFootball PES 2021 Mod Manager V1.0.0 DLC 7.0
These guys haven’t been directly involved in my pack but I need to say big thanks to everyone here as its their work in Pes2018 that inspired me.
– DrDoooMuk
– Hawke
– majuh
– Cesc Fabregas
– digitalfoxx.