PES 2021 Kitserver v1.12 PC
PES 2021 Kitserver v1.12 PC – maker “juce” has unveiled a version of the program to add season 2023 kits for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021.
Features from the Author:
The reason you’d want to update your Kitserver (just kserv.lua, nothing else) is because all previous versions hid the sleeve icons on CompKits (competition kits), basically moving them out of view to the extreme positions.
This was done because sleeve icon loading was unreliable in older versions of the game executable and the solution was to basically paint over the icons in CompKits and so to avoid the double icon effect the actual icons were then hidden.
In Kitserver v1.12 the default behavior has changed:
Kitserver will NOT try to hide icons.
With this change, it now pairs nicely with the new SleeveBadge-ArmbandServer that manages everything related to sleeve badges and captain’s armbands.
Note 1:
It is still possible to activate the old icon hiding logic even in version 1.12.
To do this, create (or edit if you already have one) a Kitserver global configuration file – “content\kit-server\config.txt” – and add this line to it:
hide_comp_kits_badges = 1
Note 2:
Remember that it is also always possible to hide the badges on any given set by setting the appropriate badge positioning attributes on the sleeves. To do this, edit the config.txt of this particular bundle and set the following values:
; sleeve badge positions
RightShortX=31 ; 0 to 31
RightShortY=0 ; 0 to 31
RightLongX=31 ; 0 to 31
RightLong Y=0 ; 0 to 31
LeftShortX=31 ; 0 to 31
LeftShortY=0 ; 0 to 31
LeftLongX=31 ; 0 to 31
LeftLongY=0 ; 0 to 31
As an example, added command forms (possibly old ones):
101,”Premier League (England)\Arsenal”
102,”Premier League (England)\Chelsea”
173,”Premier League (England)\Manchester City”
100,”Premier League (England)\Manchester United”
179,”Premier League (England)\Tottenham Hotspur”
Installation for – PES 2021 Season Update Sider 7.1.6.
In sider.ini write:
lua.module = “kserv.lua”