PES 2021 Nets Server v2.01
PES 2021 Nets Server v2.01 is a new graphic mod for adding goal nets from the twenty-eighth of April for football eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021.
What this server does:
Associating different types of grids with the name of the stadium (including stadiums from the server stadium by zlac).
Choose from 10 types of networks that change both shape and physics.
Sider menu to reload the map.txt file.
The mod is 100% compatible with any version of your PES 2020 and 2021, as long as you use the plugin.
Currently this mod does not allow you to map grids to team ids, this feature will be added in the near future.
Net 1 – Durandil PES Nets_01 ➡️ PES 2011 and less heavy nets.
Net 2 – Durandil PES Nets_02 ➡️ Maracana nets.
Net 3 – Durandil PES Nets_03 ➡️ The net format is more cubic and rigid.
Net 4 – Durandil PES Nets_04 ➡️ Medium-low height nets.
Mesh 5 – FIFA 22 Next-Gen Next Physics Version 0.1 by PetiTheOnlyOne, DevPlays, Durandil67 and Juce ➡️ Meshes are cubic and rigid.
Net 6 – USA Net by Gabosh ➡️ Medium and low height nets.
Grid 7 – España 82 by Moiduran2 ➡️ Maracana nets are more rigid.
Mesh 8 – Fondo Net by Moiduran2 ➡️ Deeper mesh format, Zaragoza style
Grid 9 – Royal Football by Gabosh ➡️ Medium to low height grid format.
Mesh 10 – Real Net Fix by Moiduran2 ➡️ The mesh format is cubic, hard and deeper.
How to install:
1- Download and extract the archive
2- Copy the Nets-Server.lua module to modules folder in sider
3- Copy nets-server folder to content folder
Add a line to your Sider.ini:
lua.module = “nets-server.lua”
4- Edit the map.txt file to set the network IDs to the stadium names, for example:
El Monumental,2
Sanitago Bernabeu,3
– Durandil67 (nets mod v0.5 creator)
– juce (nets.lua module for sider creator)
– Gabosh (nets creator)
– Ton Reg
– Moiduran2 (nets creator)
– PetiTheOnlyOne (nets creator)
– DevPlays (nets address and string transformer).