PES 2021 Weather of Conditions v5 AIO
PES 2021 Weather of Conditions v5 AIO – makers have presented a mod with new weather conditions for the fifth version of the 2023 season for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021.
Features from the Author:
Depending on the team, weather conditions will be set randomly. However, a little calculation will be done using probability to get more realistic weather for each team.
See “content\weather-conditions\map_teams.csv” for all probabilities and weather definitions along with team IDs.
Two options for additional weather conditions (cloudy and squall) have been added to the default four (clear, cloudy with rain, rain and snow).
Currently the values from the FIFA 16 weather chart for different countries are used. I took some creative liberties to change some values.
for example, for English teams the weather will be rainier than in Spain.
Fixed cases where Cup matches did not have weather changes. You may have noticed, for example, that UCL and UEL matches were always played in clear weather.
At this time, values have been added for all European teams.
1. Setting for PES 2021 Season Update Sider 7.1.7
or for PES 2021 Sider 7.2.0 Special Edition
2. Copy to similar folders.
3. In sider.ini write:
lua.module = “WeatherConditions.lua”
Prayudi Stargames.