PES 2021 Gameplay Freedoom Journey v0.5

PES 2021 Gameplay Freedoom Journey v0.5

PES 2021 Gameplay Freedoom Journey v0.5 – is a new version of the gameplay called “Journey of Freedom” from the maker “MFZ69” for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021.

Features from the author:
Fix most common bugs in eFootball PES 2021 gameplay.
More freedom of passage
Realistic display of the input type as the user’s choice when he is in a certain situation, so please, if it is a through pass, play it with Y, if it is a pass, play it with A, if it is a long or high pass, play it with B.
Improved DMF positioning
Improve all lines in the construction
Improve your dribbling by passing the player as the player can still track you
This gameplay is my attempt to implement players’ stats/skills/playstyles through tactics to make it clearer and better.
More freedom means more violations, so know how to fight

1. Setting for PES 2021 Season Update Sider 7.1.7
or for PES 2021 Sider 7.2.0 Special Edition
2. Copy to a similar folder
3. In sider.ini write:
cpk.root = “.\livecpk\Freedom GP V0.5”

Prayudi Stargames.
